Friday, February 10, 2012

La Romana Part Two - The Return!

It’s Time! It’s time for me to return to……


For those who have no idea what I am talking about, feel free to check out my posts on this trip from two years ago.

We are going again. This time I have a better idea what I am getting into. The overall group is smaller, but we have a bevy of medical people. Because there are so many “Gray’s Anatomy” lovers I am probably going to end up doing construction. To prepare for the back-breaking, manual labor I have brushed up on my cursing and cussing lexicon, worked on my cat calls, and have gained 150 pounds so I can have a big ole’ gut. I’m ready to work for Jesus.

As you can see from the below pictures, we are bringing with us drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. They are all legal, but I still feel like a mule.

Tonight we leave at the lovely hour of 1:00am. I can’t wait, and have a list of songs we can sing on the bus from Providence to Newark NJ (ah, lovely Newark, how my heart pines for thee). I bet by the time we get to Newark I’ll be the most popular guy in the group.

So watch this space for updates, rants, crazy pictures, and maybe a song and dance. I can’t promise it will be as fun as Indonesia, but who knows. I’m going with a whole bunch of Baptists, many who look to me as their pastor, so anything is possible.

God help us all.

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