Sunday, October 02, 2011

Christians of the World, Start Talking About Uniting and Stuff!

Next week I am going to be in Manado, Indonesia attending the Global Christian Forum. It goes without saying that I am very excited to be going to Indonesia for the first time. For some reason I missed the sixth grade bus trip to Jakarta and have never been able to go to the country made up mostly of islands (over 17,500 of them).

Not only am I excited to be going to Indonesia I’m also excited to participate in this conference. The purpose of this conference is to bring together Pentecostals, Evangelicals, and boring Christians like me and to talk about Christian unity. I have to be honest, for some time I thought the conversation about Christian unity had gotten pretty predictable, tepid, and banal. In my estimation, such efforts consisted of talking about the wonderful diversity we have at the table, how we are all concerned for the least of the world, and ho we can put aside our differences to help out the needy. Usually we end by sing some Phil Collins rip-off praise song, holding hands and looking off to the horizon with a glint in our eyes – isn’t it just great to be a Christian?

Well, apparently there is more to unity than this. Some people don’t like Phil Collins rip-off praise songs (gasp!) and prefer U2 rip-off praise songs. Some people don’t want to focus so much on feeding the least but instead of saving their souls (don’t get me started on the issue of the soul – I don’t want to get into the Hellenistic influence on Christianity leading to a dualistic view of reality, i.e. body vs. spirit thus showing that Tertullian was right – don’t get me started). Us boring Christians would like to respond to the soul-savers and say, “sure, we think that is important, but not on an empty stomach.” The reality is that we really do not do much towards that type of ministry which looks to gain conversions for Christ (and for bragging rights).

So these other Christians who like to jump and yell and get excited for Jesus go and save souls and their churches are growing like mushrooms under my kids’ slide after a rainy day. I’m not saying that numbers are everything, but maybe they are onto something?

I guess there is something more that needs to be said and I am excited to hear what that might be. I will do my best to avoid being boring (too late) and to contribute something to the conversation. I will also be excited to be in Indonesia. I am especially excited to be headed to Indonesia because right now I am sitting in a train headed to New Jersey.  

Keep an eye on this blog (keep the other on the podcast blog), and watch for updates. Maybe they will be interesting, maybe I will share a powerful revelation and epiphany that I have, or maybe I will spend the entire time in the hotel room curled up in a ball trying to recover from food poisoning/malaria/typhoid, or anything else. Regardless, it should make some great writing.

Postscript - The picture is me in the Singapore Airport after 26 hours of flight from Newark, New Jersey to LA, to Tokyo, Japan to Singapore. During that time I have read articles from the Atlantic, Harpers, Newsweek, and Christian Century. I have finished one book and I have watched 8 movies. I still have 5 more hours of waiting until I fly for 3 more hours and finally reach my destination. I haven't had a full night's sleep, I don't even know the difference between day and night. Don't I look like I'm ready to represent American Baptists? (Roy Medley, if you are reading this right now, aren't you wishing you asked someone else?)

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