Monday, December 03, 2012

The Text of the Matter

This is the aforementioned letter I sent to the RISCC concerning the discussion about same-sex marriage.


To the Rhode Island State Council of Churches Governing Board,

At our last meeting of the Faith and Order Commission for RISCC we briefly discussed the intent and focus of the statement concerning same-sex marriage. We are very proud in the diversity of our group and of the council and have worked hard to honor and support such diversity each time we discern various statements and positions. This means that there have been times when we felt certain topics or issues would best be left alone because the unity in our diverse group would be broken. While in the eyes of many this is a sacrifice thus far we have felt it to be a worthy sacrifice for our continued unity as precarious it may be.

With this in mind, the general feeling of the Faith and Order Commission (we did not take any votes) is that an endorsement of statement on same-sex marriage would be damaging to the tenuous unity within the council. Thus we feel that it would not be in the best interest of the Council of Churches to officially endorse such a statement and legislature.

There are people in the Commission who strongly agree with the tenets of the statement and others who disagree with the statement; we all feel that such a stand will make unity near impossible. There has to be another way.

Speaking personally, I am torn over this statement but agree with the Commission. The relationships between mainline/progressive Christians and more conservative, evangelical, Pentecostal denominations constantly feels to be at the edge of tearing apart. I understand that those on the more conservative end of the spectrum do not seem to be interested in any dialogue, but such an endorsement may very well end any real possibility for relationship. Endorsing such a statement will not offer a unified voice on behalf of the various faith communities in Rhode Island but instead will create just one more voice in the din of theological, doctrinal, and spiritual shouting.

It is my hope that we will be able to find another way, a third way (to reference the late Walter Wink). Finding a third way is, after all, one of the hallmarks of our Savior, to show us another way to God’s glory.

Blessings and Peace,
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Malone
Chair, Faith and Order Commission


Unknown said...

Jonathan, this is an excellent letter. I empathize with your position on the Commission, as I have been in a similar place. Would that more would seek a third way.

Unknown said...

Jonathan, this is an excellent letter. I empathize with your position on the Commission, as I have been in a similar place. Would that more would seek a third way.

Jonathan Malone said...

thanks for the comment Lois - it is a difficult place, but then again so is the cross...