Wednesday, July 27, 2011

DC Trip part 3

DC Trip - Day Two with the children.
"That's it, no more mr. nice guy!"
That was the mantra for the beginning of the day. Monday was a lot of chaos and by golly we would not tolerate such an experience on Tuesday. I'm happy to say that we did not have to put up with the crazy chaos, the insanity, or the angry retorts at the same level we experienced on Monday.
The day started with a nice long trip to the park, taking as much time as possible, and then playing standard park games - throwing stones at other kids, soccer in a small grassy area, and taking turns on the swings. There were two swings for about 20 kids so everybody got to take a turn. Isn't sharing fun? Aside from one violent outburst that made people cry, the day went pretty well.
On the way back I got to have a long conversation with one boy on why it is actually good to forgive people and walk away. He was sure that the best thing to do would be to get revenge no matter what. I don't know if I convinced him.
In the afternoon we had our rotations - music, art, and storytelling. For the first time kids sat still and listened to me! Now if I could only find something good to say. Overall the kids were good for everyone and it was a good day. For dinner I enjoyed Ethiopian cuisine with some of the other youth (see picture). At our return we saw a broken door leading us to think that maybe someone broke into the church. Everyone was very nervous except for me. I was so tired that I pretty much slept through the whole thing - not very helpful.

enjoy some pictures

Day three with the children - bowling.
On the third day there was a Metro ride, bowling, and no kids lost or hurt! At the bowling alley we saw the kids acting in a way appropriate for their age for the first time. It was good to see. The field trip made for an easier day over all and that was nice.

Later in the evening, at dinner we made silly faces trying to imitate one person in the group - I wont say who, but it wasn't me. His initials are J.D.C.

Overall it has been a very good two days. We have been trying to let the kids know that God loves them and that we love them. I don't think that is a message they often hear. I have been trying to teach Bible stories and am surprised at how much they do not know. There is a lot of work that needs to be done and I am very realistic and aware that we are only just starching the surface.

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