Sunday, February 21, 2010

How the West Was Won

Remember the movie, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance? Watch that movie and you'll understand why I am restricting who can leave comments on this blog. From now on you need to have an "Open ID," whatever that is. No more ads for pictures, drugs, or false happiness. And sorry, no more snide, nameless comments.


darin said...

hope you don't mean me and the little buddy comment

Unknown said...

A Jimmy Stewart fan, huh?

I just heard about your blog
and I asked our intern to call you
to maybe write a story about it.
Would you be up for it?

Can she email you some questions, or something, or just wait until you return?

see you back at Starbucks,

Abby at the Pendulum =)

Jonathan Malone said...

If your intern could wait until get back that would be good - I'm still processing things here.